Welcome to Institute of Educational and Vocational Training-
The Institute of Educational and Vocational Training is an autonomous body, which is established by Career Park Trust and Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir for Vocational and Educational Society for the poor and Disadvantaged group as street children, working children, rural women and physically challenged. This Institute is an Certified by ISO 9001:2008, Central Vigilance Commission, MSME, NHFDC, NSDC etc.
It has been constituted to regulate Computer Education. Early Childhood Education Programmed / Nursery Teacher Training / Management Course/ Academic Course and other Vocational Courses (Under Self Employment Training Scheme) in India & Abroad. With the help of educational experts to train unemployed girls & boys so that they can serve society effectively and with dignity and may impart education on modern lines to pre school children with stress on moral, instinctual, physically and social personality.
Ours is an autonomous body and we do our best to make success the vocational training programmed to unemployed / employed but untrained educated girls & boys. All the courses mentioned in the website are run by council and council's own autonomous training programmed. Legality, Validity, Utility of the Constitution of India and law of the land under Article 19(1) G, 29 & 30.
According to the Ministry of Human Affairs. Govt. of India Notification No. 26/4/52 CC Dated. 20.09.1952 issued in consultation. with the union public service commission. That in the case of Degree /Diploma awarded by Board/University city in India. Which are in carporated by one act? of central of Part B state legislature in India. No formal orders reorganization such. Degree/ Diploma need be issued by Government. such Degree should be Recognized Automatically for the Purpose of employment.