Diploma In Journalism


Department of Communication offers a one  year  diploma in journalism to students who aspire to become journalists in newspapers and magazines. The program imparts training to students interested in print journalism. 

The DJ is a one-year postgraduate diploma in print and broadcast journalism. 


Journalism is the program focus. In addition, the program has the following objectives -

  • To familiarize students with the working of the print media.
  • To develop working skills needed for newspapers.
  • To develop an understanding of development and its relationship with media.
  • To develop writing skills for different formats used in print media.
  • To develop aptitude and competence to analyze and interpret the events.

Course Objectives

  • To upgrade the skills of journalists and to theoretically equip them to deal with the challenges they face in communicating about development and economic issues.
  • To illuminate the linkages between development and communication.
  • The course objectives are achieved through adopting a pedagogical programme consisting of classroom lectures by the Institute’s own faculty, eminent scholars and media professionals; making presentations; undertaking practical assignments in association with professional organizations; and bringing out collectively a print journal Echo towards the end of the course. Study Tours and visits to development oriented NGOs form an integral part of the course, enabling the participants to relate classroom teachings to practical realities. The course curriculum includes inter-alia such issues as child rights, gender, the environment, trade, health, foreign policy and freedom of media.
  • The programme offers a wide range of opportunities in the field of mass media , journalism, public relations and advertising. Journalists work in all types of media fields and industries.

    Media plays an important role in our lives. It provides excellent opportunity to the students who are willing to be in creative professions like advertising, public relations, marketing, anchoring , reporting , media research and development communication.

Diploma In Journalism

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